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Jeonju promotes slow city and puts portrait of King Yi Seong-gye at Gyeonggijeon

Last year, the whole area of Jeonju City was designated as the first global slow city that has more than 600,000 populations. At the forum held this year, Paolo Saturnini, the chairman of the Cittaslow International gave the opening remark followed by the keynote speech by Soh Dae-hyun, the chairman of the Cittaslow International Korea and the presentations by Carl Honore, the godfather of slow city movement, and Florian Opitz, a documentary producer. The city also introduced the ‘Slow Awards’ for the first time. Mayor Kim Seung-soo said “The reason Jeonju City was designated as the first global slow city is because the city is actively promoting the balanced life between tradition and value of the community. I can say that things might go slow in the city like a snail but citizens try to walk in clear step. The city values highly of people-centered philosophy and we will work hard to set up a role model for many cities to follow.” Meanwhile, the city had a ceremony to put the portrait of King Yi Seong-gye at Gyeonggijeon on 14 last month and organized the placing ceremony parade around the city hall. The event reproduced the process of the portrait being moved to Hanyang (Today’s Seoul) in 1688 for copying and moved back to Gyeonggijeon in Jeonju again based on historical research. Citizens and tourists could take photos for 10 minutes when the parade group reached Poongnam Crossroads from Nosong Square. Choi Rak-ki, the head of the Jeonju City Culture and Tourism Division, said “We are promoting the portrait placing ceremony as the unique local culture of Jeonju. We will keep working on increasing the preciseness and quality of the ceremony so that more citizens and visitors can experience this hundred years old tradition.” 

Note: <Power Korea> “rewrites” the Korean article in English “concisely” for native English speakers and staff of foreign missions in Korea.

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