From the scalp to the wound, let the experts take care of your skin

The world’s first and only domestic spider silk protein 신태섭 기자l승인2023.08.17l수정2023.08.17 13:03

The domestic beauty market is growing. With the number of small and medium-sized brands exceeding 13,000, up from around 2,500 in 2015, the beauty market has changed from following the trend of large companies to pioneering and developing its own field. 

Competence, expertise, and coming up with new categories, ingredients, formulations, and designs have become so important that most brands have their own labs. However, there is one company that stands out from the rest with its team of experts. This is Medicos Biotech, which has been recognized for its spider silk protein products that alleviate hair loss symptoms.


For healthy hair and clean scalp

Scalp science expert Dr. GRAFT

Medicos Biotech was founded by a plastic surgeon at Yonsei University Severance and a KAIST professor. The company is a bio venture that develops 100% bio-based products by developing wound healing compounds and functional cosmetics.

Dr.GRAFT, launched by the company, was born out of the company’s in-house laboratory, the Institute of Scalp Science. Focusing on the fact that hair growth starts at the cellular level, researchers have found a golden combination of growth factors and scalp cell activation that is effective for skin regeneration and hair loss symptoms.

Dr.GRAFT has developed a unique active ingredient, MCB-Formula, which is a key ingredient in our hair loss shampoo and tonic products, to help maintain a healthy scalp and hair. In addition, the researchers identified seven growth factors that positively interact with each other and optimized the ratio of these growth factors to develop a product that helps regenerate the scalp and relieve hair loss symptoms. The researchers use extracts derived from nature, such as nettle and medicinal wheat, that help improve the scalp, regenerate skin tissue, and produce cell enhancement, and exclude harmful ingredients to provide products that can be used by the whole family. The Dr.GRAFT product line has secured initial orders from Vietnam and Cambodia, and is preparing to launch in Korea and enter Japanese crowdfunding sites Makewake and Rakuten. The company also announced plans to participate in a trilateral (Korea, China, Japan) industrial expo in Qingdao, China, in November to expand into the Chinese market.


World’s first to use only domestic spider silk protein

Selected for startup package leap project

Medicos Biotech is using the world’s first and only domestic spider silk protein (MCB-Silk) in its products. Spider silk protein is a highly biocompatible and biodegradable ingredient with one of the highest moisture retention capacities of any naturally derived material in existence, helps synthesize collagen to reduce wrinkles and skin elasticity, binds well with epidermal cells to help reduce wrinkles and maximize skin moisture regulation and hydration, helps prevent skin aging through keratin production and UV absorption, and has excellent active ingredient delivery capabilities to improve the scalp and hair environment at the same time. 

The company has specialized technology to regenerate skin tissue through spider silk proteins and is developing treatments for stage 3 and 4 pressure ulcers, which have no treatment and are highly necrotic, using its ability to stimulate collagen regeneration. These wound treatments have completed preclinical testing for efficacy and safety and are being prepared for mass production.

Medicos Biotech has been selected for the starup package leap project run by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute. Once the treatment for intractable wounds is approved for class 3 in Korea, the company plans to apply to the U.S. FDA to enter the U.S. market.

신태섭 기자
<저작권자 © 월간파워코리아, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>

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