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“Cooperative is a good alternative for building effective private quarantine systems”
Lee Gil-hwi, Branch Manager of Korea Pest Control Association (KPCA) Gyeonggido and CEO of Hana Environment

The recent series of outbreaks of AI and the killer ants entering the Korean territory shocked many people. As a result, the importance of quarantine and introducing effective systems has taken the center stage of attention. The spread of Zika virus in 2016 in fact has already called the need for prevention measures but it is regretful that Korea seems to be staying around the level of ‘disinfection’. In this situation, it is worth mentioning about the outstanding performance of the Korea Pest Control Association Gyeonggido that carried out preventive activities for 71 days when the MERS hit Korea in 2015. 

Based in Seongnam, the Gyeonggido branch of the KPCA boasts 1,360 member companies and it regularly organizes health fairs and runs free training. The branch manager Lee Gil-hwi, who also is the CEO of Hana Environment, is well known figure within the industry for introducing eco-friendly mosquito and mite repellent made of cinnamon, pepper and other natural ingredients. He spread the method of using natural enemies like loaches and carps that eat mosquito larvae and has been organizing seminars for many years for officials of local governments and industries. Lee also encouraged the members of the Gyeonggido branch, in cooperation with head office of the association, to actively engage in policy making and in linking local businesses to create synergy effect.  

Quarantine is very important for both human and natural environment. Naturally, introducing and implementing the authorized quarantine manuals are a must. With his years of accumulated knowledge and experience in the field, Lee points out the need of activating ‘cooperatives’ as a good alternative for building effective private quarantine systems. This is backed up by the government support plan started October this year with which it can supply advanced technologies and equipment especially to remote and deprived areas and it can also make seminars and regular quarantine activities possible. 

What makes the cooperative system better is at the fact that it can easily collect the necessary fund to hire helicopters and drones for vast and unreachable areas. Lee predicts that these cooperative systems can draw yearly KRW 200,000 won sales in the Seongnam region alone. 

Lee also points out the need for effective manuals. He was the one who alerted the appearance of new species of mosquitos in Gyeonggi Province but the government’s manual was more focused on prevention which made it difficult for proactive measures. For this, Lee suggests to secure professionalism of the officials of the related departments as well as training alongside the share of information with the government and the public over just the business circles. Changing the current registering system to licensing and activation of both private and national certificate systems also must be taken into account if we are to advance the industry, according to Lee. 

Note: <Power Korea> “rewrites” the Korean article in English “concisely” for native English speakers and staff of foreign missions in Korea.

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