Event News of Swiss Embassy in Seoul

For the First Time a Swiss Pavilion at the 13th Gwangju Biennale! ±èÁ¾°ü ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2021.03.17l¼öÁ¤2021.03.17 16:02







02/26 – 03/03.2021

Closed on Sunday 02/28.2021
11 AM – 4 PM

02/26 – 05/09.2021

Closed on Sundays
11 AM – 5 PM

Eunam Museum of Art
8-12, Seoseok-ro, 85 bean-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju

The Swiss Embassy is proud to support the first Swiss Pavilion at the 13th Gwangju Biennale, one of the most important contemporary art exhibitions in Asia! Co-organized by Kunsthaus Pasquart in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland, and Eunam Museum of Art in Gwangju, the pavilion will present the international premiere of ALONE TOGETHER, an installation by Swiss choreographer and dancer Anna Anderegg.

The body of work is conceived as a film and a choreographic performance (presented from 26 February to 3 March 2021). From 4 March to 9 May, a recording of the performance will be presented as a spatial video installation specially created for the Swiss Pavilion and the Gwangju Biennale.

ALONE TOGETHER investigates the cohabitation with technology, consumerism, and celebrity culture. physical and digital body parts fuse into hybrid shapes, screens of mobile phones melt together with the bodies that host them. What does it mean for a society to be in a constant fragmented state of consciousness?

ALONE TOGETHER was created in collaboration with a team of artists from Europe and South Korea. The work invites the public to reflect on digital connectivity, online empathy, attention, isolation, and absence in a multi-layered narrative.

Due to the COVID-19, there is a limitation in the number of audience per hour. Therefore, a reservation must be made hour by hour and if the audience wish to stay longer than an hour, it is necessary to book for each hour to stay. The Swiss Pavilion will be open on 1 March and closed on Sundays.

Science Club 2021 - Robotics inspired by nature

Date: 25 February 2021, 5 - 6 PM
Venue: Zoom, Online Event

The Science & Technology Office at the Swiss Embassy hosts a monthly event ‘Science Club’ to bring scientists and researchers together for exchanges with a short presentation of 1 or 2 researcher(s). The main goal is to highlight and provide insights about cooperation in S&T between Switzerland and Korea by inviting researchers developing joint projects or experiencing research exchange between the two countries and to share their latest developments. Furthermore, from this year, the Science & Technology Office is going to expand the scope by focusing on topics of broader interest for the audience and ranging from science to design and art.


Prof. Hae-Won Park
Prof. Hae-Won Park is the director of Humanoid Robot Research Center and an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 2005 and 2007, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in 2012, all in mechanical engineering. Before joining KAIST, he was an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 2015 to 2019. His research interests lie at the intersection of control, dynamics, and mechanical design of robotic systems, with special emphasis on legged locomotion robots and bio-inspired robots. Dr. Park is the recipient of NSF CAREER Award from National Science Foundation (2018), Research Prize for Outstanding Faculty from KAIST (2020), and the Best Robocup Award from IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (2019).

Prof. Marco Hutter
Marco is an assistant professor for robotic systems at ETH Zurich and co-founder of ANYbotics AG and Bota Systems AG. He studied mechanical engineering and completed his doctoral degree in robotics at ETH. Marco’s research interests are in the development of novel machines and actuation concepts together with the underlying control, planning, and learning algorithms for locomotion and manipulation. Marco is part of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Robotics and NCCR Digital Fabrication and PI in various international projects (e.g. EU Thing) and challenges (e.g. DARPA SubT). His work in this field has been recognized with a number of awards and prestigious grants such as the Branco Weiss Fellowship, ETH medal, IEEE/RAS Early Career Award or ERC.

Moderator. Nicola Nosengo
Nicola Nosengo is the Science Writer and Communication Officer for NCCR Robotics, which brings together over a hundred researchers from 7 Swiss research institutions working on robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He has a degree in Communication from the University of Siena (Italy) and a master in Science Communication from the International School of Advanced Studies (ISAS) in Trieste. As a science writer, he has contributed to Nature, The Economist and several Italian publications, covering AI, robotics, neuroscience and technology in general. In addition to his journalistic work, he has worked as a communicator for the Italian Space Agency and the Italian Institute for Astrophysics. He has written three books for the general public and has worked with RAI (Italy’s public broadcasting company) for projects and programmes on science and technology. He is based at EPFL in Lausanne. Source: Swiss Embassy in Seoul. PowerKorea

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