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[Art] Seogak artist Oh Jung-boon (nickname: Songchun)
Combining tradition and modernity with knots

“Seogak came to me by chance”
Oh came to know about seogak by chance; he went to a teacher’s training and met a teacher who showed her ‘seogak’ – wood letter carving. The teacher, Park Jong-gak (nickname: Neulsam), later wrote words for Oh and she made her first seogak work by using Korean paper-layered clay and it created archaic charm. It is notable that she did not have any interest in calligraphy yet she pioneered her own way and created unique seogak works. “People around me get surprised when they hear I’m a seogak artist because they knew I didn’t have any talent of drawing when I was a student. However, I learned Korean calligraphy a little and it helped me a lot to do seogak. If I kept carrying on the writing, I guess I would have been far better than now as a seogak artist today. So I realized that one must have tenacity whatever one does” said Oh in retrospect.  

Delicate charm instead of splendid colors
Oh pays attention to knots and tea table

Modern seogak is relatively more creative and has more freedom in terms of font type and colors. Oh naturally started with modern seogak and has built her preference of delicate charm instead of splendid colors. It was at The 6th Incheon Metropolitan Art Exhibition 2005 that one of Oh’ works was selected and she officially made her debut in the Korean seogak world. She expertly used blue, pink and red in harmony without excessive colors. Having pushed forward her creative zeal, she won the runner-up prize and also the Incheon Metropolitan Council prize at The 12th Incheon Metropolitan Seogak Competition 2015. Oh’s style is praised for expanding the border of seogak and she made the most of her themes in knots and embroidery which have been her long time hobbies. “I focus on daily seogak. So I give diversity, over the common wall-hanging or three dimensional, such as the traditional knots, ornaments and salt stand-inspired works that reflect the words when the light is turned on or carving letters on a tea table.” 

Social contribution and teaching children
After retirement, Oh moved to Gwanwon Province and is teaching children the clay art by making the most of her experience when she was a child. She also actively engages herself in ‘Beautiful Storytelling Grandma’ hosted by The Advanced Center for Korean Studies Andong. The program tells virtuous stories for children to promote humanity and ego-identity. More than 2,000 children are participating in the program nationwide and the program also makes a visit to kindergartens and nurseries so that more children can benefit from the stories. When asked about her future plan, she said that she would like to support her local seogak artists and hold her solo exhibition themed on ‘harmony of seogak and knots’ in near future.  

¾ÈÁ¤Èñ ±âÀÚ  honesty5835@naver.com
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