Retracing the forgotten history, filling the gaps and crevices! The Cheon Boo Kyung Movement of the Future Heritage Forum

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2023.03.15l¼öÁ¤2023.03.15 17:12







The Future Heritage Forum is an organization that brings together important people who are trying to fill the gaps and crevices in our history. The members study people, events, and cultures that existed in the past to discover facts that we did not know before, while playing the role of expanding new historical awareness and human understanding through this. 

Professor Kim Yoo-hee has studied Cheon Boo Kyung for 27 years based on an understanding of the 81 characters of the book. Under his leadership, members of the Future Heritage Forum discuss and share undiscovered historical facts together in various ways. Once a month, they hold a session at the Seoul Living and Culture Center located in Jongno 3-ga Station, and the largest number of people attended the last New Year’s Forum. 

They study archives, cultural assets, geographic locations, etc., while gaining knowledge through active interaction between instructors and audience. They are also working on deciphering ancient languages and writing styles, discovering cultures and ideas we did not know much about. Through this process, the public can acquire new knowledge and understand other cultures and ideas. 

This also contributes greatly to restoring historical truth. Accurately understanding and remembering the facts of the past is one of the most important factors for our future. They are looking for direction for a better world while correcting the wrongdoings and errors of the past. 

Everyone has their own roots. Some call it genealogy or history. It is self-evident that we must know history properly in order to learn lessons from the past and wisely prepare for the future. This is because figuring out which choices in the past helped and hindered the development of mankind is a good way to prepare for the future. 

In that sense, the activities of the Future Heritage Forum are a good example to refer to when studying and informing history. As part of that effort, they have been sending the book in English and Chinese to foreign embassies and missions in Korea for several years, contributing to the movement to promote the book. The results they create are connected to the world we live in now. When you look at history, do not we realize more than anyone else that the choices and actions of people in the past have had a great impact on our present and future? With historical understanding, we are confident that we will be able to find direction for the future and make decisions for a better future. This is the reason why we should pay more attention to the Future Heritage Forum. 

► If you are interested in the Future Heritage Forum programs, a contact information is below.  

HP. 010-6366-1872 

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