Hankook Jawon wins 2025 Korea Brilliant People & Brand Awards for leading wood waste recycling

°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2025.03.14l¼öÁ¤2025.03.14 13:01






¡ã Hankook Jawon (Korea Resource) / CEO Yongtae In

The world has declared carbon neutrality by 2050 to address climate change. Among waste that generates carbon emissions, wood waste is particularly significant, with over 2 million tons produced annually. This not only incurs high disposal costs but also places a heavy environmental burden. While the use of wood waste as bio-solid fuel has been proposed, its adoption rate is not high, indicating a need for more efficient solutions.


From wood waste to new renewable energy

Hankook Jawon started as a waste intermediary treatment company in 2011 and has since grown into a company that creates renewable energy through wood recycling. The company has an all-weather wood waste recycling system that uses waste wood for energy, furniture, and insulation instead of incinerating it. The process involves feeding waste into a conveyor, sorting, separating, and shredding it to produce sawdust, which is then stored and shipped as wood chips. The company’s logging waste shredding technology is particularly noteworthy in the field of wood recycling.


Winning 2025 Korea Brilliant People & Brand Awards for leading wood waste recycling

In 2021, the Ministry of Environment decided, in consultation with relevant organizations, to recycle more than 99% of construction waste. Having an eye to see potentials and opportunities, Yongtae In, CEO of Hankook Jawon (Korea Resource), began wood waste recycling back when it was considered no more than collecting firewood. The wood waste recycling now has emerged as a stepping stone for the transition to renewable energy. Hankook Jawon, in this respect, has distinguished itself with its unique experience and competitiveness in the field. CEO In said that while bearing ESG in mind, the company plans to discover and grow new businesses other than wood waste recycling alone. In recognition of its contribution to the environment, Hankook Jawon won Eco-Friendly Company at the 2025 Korea Brilliant People & Brand Awards.

°­¿µÈÆ ±âÀÚ  kangy423@naver.com
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